Sunday, June 24, 2012

Segmentation Fault in NS2

Hi Friends ...
My friend who are using NS2 specially Ad-Hoc Simulation they sometime got this problem
"Segmentation Fault "

arun@Merom:~/myNS2/Assignment/Wireless$ ns wireless-tcp1.tcl 
num_nodes is set 8
warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
Starting Simulation...Sir !!!! - Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_
highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5,  distCST_ = 550.0
Segmentation fault

I have a solution for that please go through this post and you will be happy ..

actually this segmentation fault problem happens due to "DSR" Ad-Hoc routing table  when we are using any type  of queue with DSR routing Algo . so CMU made a "CMUPriQueue" to deal with that so please follow that code .....

if { $val(rp) == "DSR" } {
set val(ifq)            CMUPriQueue
} else {
set val(ifq)            Queue/DropTail/PriQueue

so there will be no segmentation fault ....
Enjoy please like it ... if your problem is solved .


Unknown said...

my adhoc simulations with dsdv and aodv are also caught up with segmentation fault when more than 10 no. of nodes are used even if i used the
set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue.

when i used the ifq as Queue/DropTail/PriQueue in dsr segmentation fault was coming and no simulation was coming but when i used ifq as CMUPriQueue then simulation was coming but still it shows segmentation fault.
if you have any remedy for this please mail me at

Unknown said...

ok i will send you ..........

Unknown said...

but i have tried to find out you did not have any problem with segmentation fault na problem

Anonymous said...

hi dear sir..

i have installed ns2.34 on CentOS it is succefully installed.
but whenever i write
segmentation fault occurs
y is it so? and how cani remove it?
not even a single tcl script is running but namm is running successfully plz help

Unknown said...

please tell me this problem is coming in Wired network Too ? or not

Unknown said...

I added cbrp protocol in ns-2.34 and compile it without any error.
but when run it, this error raised:
Loading scenario file...
Load complete...
Starting Simulation... - Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_
highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5, distCST_ = 550.0
Segmentation fault
I use set opt(ifq) CMUPriQueue
and changed it to set opt(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue
but same error raised.

Unknown said...

sEGMENTATION fault is an error which can come any time due to wrong values you are taking , so please have a look in your values you are taking in your protocol .

Unknown said...

i run it and trace file is:
M 0.0 nn 50 x 670 y 670 rp cbrp
M 0.0 sc ../mobility/scene/scen-670x670-50-600-20-0 cp ../mobility/scene/cbr-50-10-4-512 seed 0.0
M 0.0 prop Propagation/TwoRayGround ant Antenna/OmniAntenna
s 0.005126241 _49_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 0 0 0] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150549 _15_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150568 _38_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150595 _35_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150652 _6_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150659 _37_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150660 _23_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150667 _4_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150883 _7_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150906 _27_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150933 _18_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150971 _3_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006151061 _47_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
s 0.027546139 _32_ RTR --- 13 message 5 [0 0 0 0] ------- [32:-1 -1:255 3 0]

$h@LiNi Jeswani said...

I added cbrp protocol in ns-2.34 and compile it without any error.
but when run it, this error raised:
num_nodes is set 15
warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
Starting Simulation…Sir !!!! – Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_
highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5, distCST_ = 550.0

..... m nt gettng error of segmentation fault n m trying this for DSR protocol...i tried to include ur code :

if { $val(rp) == “DSR” } {
set val(ifq) CMUPriQueue
} else {
set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue

still its nt working...if u knw ths solution..plz mail me at

Unknown said...

i run it, but still have segmetation fault, anyone know please help me.
i search in code but cant understand what's error.
trace file is:
M 0.0 nn 50 x 670 y 670 rp cbrp
M 0.0 sc ../mobility/scene/scen-670x670-50-600-20-0 cp ../mobility/scene/cbr-50-10-4-512 seed 0.0
M 0.0 prop Propagation/TwoRayGround ant Antenna/OmniAntenna
s 0.005126241 _49_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 0 0 0] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150549 _15_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150568 _38_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150595 _35_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150652 _6_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150659 _37_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150660 _23_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150667 _4_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150883 _7_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150906 _27_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150933 _18_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006150971 _3_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
r 0.006151061 _47_ RTR --- 2 message 5 [0 ffffffff 31 800] ------- [49:-1 -1:255 3 0]
s 0.027546139 _32_ RTR --- 13 message 5 [0 0 0 0] ------- [32:-1 -1:255 3 0]

mahak said...

hi arun,
im fettin an error ns: _0855 stop in ns2 implementing tcp connection in DSR

mahak said...

hi arun,
im gettin the error ns:_0855 stop in ns2 implementing TCP connection in DSR

Unknown said...

Hello , can you send me your code i can help you .

Anonymous said...

plz tell me ur email id so that i can send u my code

mahak said...

sir plz tell me ur mail so that i can mail u my code

Anonymous said...

sir i need to implement the wormhole attack on aodv. Can u help me with the patches of wormhole attack

Unknown said...

so sorry Guys my mail id is

Unknown said...

Avinka Baweja :... i can't give you patch but i can help you, if you are getting any problems in implementing in ns2

Anonymous said...

hi arun ....I have mail u the code for tcpnew reno....n i m getting _0855 error while i implement it...plz help me out ...its urgent...

Anonymous said...

hi arun,....have u received the mail...plz acknowledge me..coz its urgent...I again request u 2 plz resolve the errors as soon as possible..

Unknown said...

I run example build in NS2 tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl

and i face the same problem - Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_
highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5, distCST_ = 550.0
Segmentation fault

but when i run wired example i dont have problem !!!
please if u have solution i need it urgent ..

Unknown said...

Initializing MannaSim Script...
Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100

Nodes count:
- 1 access points
- 100 common nodes
- 10 cluster heads
- 111 nodes
- DSDV routing protocol
- LL link layer
- Phy/WirelessPhy network interface

Scenario size: 100.0 x 100.0

Using as trace file
Creating an access point...
Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100
Using mica 2 mote settings
Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100
warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
* Access point 0 = 0 created in (50.0, 50.0, 0.0)
Creating common node...
Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100
Using mica 2 mote settings
Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100
Setting disseminating type to programmed
Setting disseminating interval: 20.0
* Node 1 = 1 created in (87.012106406973714, 28.312245490174853, 0.0)

Unknown said...

i am getting segmentation faults when i am running leach with mannasim patch please help me in tis